Local development of Stripe Webhooks

Implementing payment solutions into an application can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to responding to real-time events such as payment confirmations. Stripe, as a popular payment processor, provides an efficient way to handle such events via webhooks. In this blog post, you will learn how to develop Stripe webhooks in Vaulteron, your application, to process payment events seamlessly. We focus on local development to ensure efficiency and security during the development process.

Step 1: Make preparations

Before you start developing Stripe webhooks in Vaulteron, you need to make sure that you have the Stripe CLI tool installed. Follow the instructions on the official Stripe CLI documentationto install the tool on your system. This tool allows you to receive and test webhooks on your local server before implementing them in your application.

Step 2: Setting up local webhook reception

Once the Stripe CLI tool is successfully installed, open a command line or terminal window and enter the following command:

strip listen --forward-to https://localhost:3000/stripe/webhook

This command ensures that all incoming webhook events are sent to the specified local address (https://localhost:3000/webhook) to be forwarded. Note that the port number (3000) may vary depending on the settings of your local development environment.

Step 3: Configuring the WebhookSecret in the Appsettings

Since security is a top priority, you must ensure that communication between Stripe and your application is encrypted and authenticated. For this purpose, a so-called webhook secret is used. In your Vaulteron application, you should configure the Appsettings so that the Webhook Secret is set correctly.

Open the file "appsettings.json" or a similar configuration file of your application and look for the configuration for Stripe or Webhooks. There should be a section there for the Webhook Secret. Overwrite the existing value with the Stripe generated Webhook Secret that you can find in your Stripe dashboard.

Step 4: Testing the implementation

After overriding the Webhook Secret in the Appsettings, your local development environment is ready to handle incoming Webhook events from Stripe. Restart your Vaulteron server to enable the new configurations.

To test the functionality, you can run payment transactions in your Stripe sandbox and have the generated events forwarded to your local development environment via the Stripe CLI. When doing this, note that the webhook URL in your Stripe dashboard is set to "https://localhost:3000/webhook" must be shown to receive the events correctly.